Monday, May 5, 2008

HRC is a Great Panderer, Supported by MSM, RNC, and Rush Limbaugh...

Barack has great support from Caroline and Sen. Ted Kennedy, Sen. John Kerry, and Gov. Bill Richardson, and his many campaign members. But HRC has some major support from the MSM, the RNC, and Limbaugh.
The MainStream Media wants this Democratic Primary to continue until all the candidates are out of 'air time' money and out of public interest. For example, CNN was floating the idea that Hillary might get all those 313 delegates out of Florida and Michigan. Which makes no sense to anyone following this process even remotely. The Clintons aren't even floating this one!
The Republican National Committee through many of its surrogates have been praising HRC and knocking Obama. Before this election process, they were vehemently attacking HRC like the heat from a thousand Suns. The vast right wing conspiracy major supporter, Richard Mellon Scaife is now an ally of HRC. Do you remember where HRC went when the media was questioning her credibility about the Bosnia Sniper Fire story? That story went away didn't it? A new one emerged, Barack's former pastor became the front and center story because HRC wanted the media attention away from her credibility and I believe Mr. Scaife's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review helped.
Rush Limbaugh aka druggie, the leader of the 'dittoheads' has told his listeners to register democrat and vote for Hillary. Not because she is the best democratic candidate, but to cause mayhem in the Democratic Party's Primary. He wants this to continue to the DNC convention in Denver. Rush wants a floor fight that will cause a split in the party. If HRC wins because of the Super Delegates influence, many of Barack's supporters will not vote for HRC. And if Barack wins because of his lead among pledged delegates, most states, and most popular vote, HRC's hard core supporters will not vote for Barack. Ann Coulter, a hard core right winger says she will work to help HRC win.
As you have read, we are really the underdogs here and not because of the Clinton name brand alone. Name recognition is important because many voters don't dig very deep when choosing their candidate. Another factor that HRC has, is her incessant pandering to the voters. This Gas Tax Holiday is a great example of that. She proposes to remove the federal gas tax(18.4 cents for gas & 24.4 cents for diesel per gallon) marked for bridge and road construction and maintenance, and to fund it by taxing the oil companies for it though their windfall profits' tax. I'm not an economist, but I know this. If you tax or increase prices to a corporation, they pass it on. Take a guess to who?? I'm for the guy with the 'right' answers for America, not the 'right' answers to get elected!
Obama 2008...Yes, We Can....

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