Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Urgency of Now....

We are seeing a man, a candidate, a president developing before our very eyes. Many of you have been Obama supporters from the very start, others a little later, or some just today. We are taking different parts of his powerful messages and applying it to our own situations. Many pundits understand it, but when asking us why we support Barack, sometimes we get tongue tied and can't truly express our reasons for supporting him. What is completely clear here, is that we are sold on, is this guy with this funny name and colorful associations, can achieve our goals. Yes, Barack Hussein Obama Jr. could have had a better name, perhaps more American like Barry John O'Sullivan. That may have got him several thousand more votes. Or he could have less colorful friends and acquaintances than Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Professor William Ayers or wear a flag pin everyday. And maybe that would be worth a few thousand more votes, but Barack is a different kind of politician, the likes that we have never seen before. Yet, despite all these imperfections and liabilities, we can see thru to his heart and mind. He is his own man, and not one of polls, special interests, lobbyists, or pandering.
We support Obama not only for his great qualities; great speaker and orator, his positive attitude, his uniting message, his genuine concerns, his intelligence on issues, his grass roots campaign, but also on his less then superb issues and imperfections like his name, flagless lapel, and previous associations. We are at a point that we need someone to unite this very troubled and divided country. This political season has been a long drawn out fight. There are hurt and bruised feelings from all sides. Senator Hillary Clinton is not our enemy, neither are Senator John McCain or President George Bush. They are no less Americans then ourselves. They just see America and the World in a different light. However we must state our cases for the country and the world to see which is based on our best case for our candidate on the issues, and let the cards fall where they will. Let's all pledge not to use personal attacks against each other, we are all Americans and on the same team in the end. The urgency of now as Senator Barack Obama supporters should be to elect this man to President of the Whole United States and Leader of the Free World. Yes, We Can.....
Link to Senator Obama's last speech: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24492787#24492787

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