Thursday, March 6, 2008

Republican Nominees Win!!! A Republican Comes Out of the Closet...

Hillary has claimed that John McCain and her are the most experienced candidates to be President and Obama just did a speech. Most voters have agreed she went more negative on Obama prior to the Texas-Ohio primaries. Her demeanor and ads reminded one of the type of campaign Republicans run against Democrats. She appeared to adopt the Rove-Bush tactics of the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Campaigns. The politics of fear ad she ran in Texas. Speaking half truths about the Canadian Government memo. When asked if Obama is a Muslim on '60 Minutes' she left the impression that she wasn't sure. Trying to tie the Tony Rezco indictments to Obama's campaign. I just can see Carl Rove applauding Hillary in my mind's eye. "You Go Girl!!" A loyal supporter had said that if Hillary had been awarded Delegates like the Republicans are - Winner take all - she would be the nominee. Well, Hillary since you are so in love with the Republicans and their tactics. Why don't you become one officially?? Her name from this day forward will be Hillary-R. Doesn't it feel good to finally come out of the closet, Hillary-R??


Unknown said...

Great observation here! I'm so glad the truth is finally coming to light. Hillary and Bill are really Republicans once again!! (Remember she started out as a very strong Goldwater Girl (whooo) While others were marching for civil rights justice with Martin Luther King, Hillary was stomping for Goldwater!!

To top off this great revealing article I heard about Bill as guest speaker on Rush Lim's show yesterday. So you got it right now

Gary Lee said...

Hillary said again yesterday that John and her are the only 2 qualified to be Commander-In-Chief and Barack gave one speech. So this was not a misstatement. Only someone that wanted to be John McCain's running mate would say it this way or someone that is a Republican or a Republican sympathyzer. From this point on, Hillary will be know as Hillary-R by me.