Friday, April 11, 2008

FIRES IN INDIANA!!! An Office and a Pair of Pants...

One of Clinton's campaign offices was destroyed by fire in Indiana. Fortunately, no one was injured. There was one more fire in Indiana yesterday, and it was Bill Clinton's pants! The Clintons were injured, politically. Speaking in front of a campaign event he said, "... there was a lot of fulminating because Hillary, one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." This earned Bill, The Pants On Fire Award.
Link to Bill's Version of the "Truth":

Lie, lie, lie, lie, and false!!!!! Firstly, Hillary repeated her Four Pinocchio(under sniper fire in Bosnia) story at least 3 times, secondly, she gave the stories during the day, thirdly, she told the story 3 times that can't be a misstatement, fourthly, she only apologized a week after it was discovered that the trip was videotaped and played repeatedly on TV, and lastly, her trip was in 1996 not 1995. One can only wonder what the Clinton campaign is running on as far as credibility. She lied about sniper fire ducking in Bosnia in 1996, and her husband later further lied about it even more! Her campaign strategist, Mark Penn had to step down because he supports the Colombia Free Trade Agreement as a lobbyist, and her husband, Bill Clinton, still an integral part of her campaign has taken $800,000 in speaking fees for supporting it. Pennsylvania has been seriously hurt by NAFTA like agreements. The Clinton joint tax returns shows they are very wealthy. They made between $109-$111 million since leaving the White House. Many of Hillary's potential voters are barely surviving, making less then $50,000 per year. How can these voters honestly relate to these two?? How can anybody??

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